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How to Help Cats and Dogs with Arthritis

How to Help Cats and Dogs with Arthritis

Arthritis is a term that has over 100 rheumatic diseases associated with it. However, joint inflammation and pain are the most common and prominent symptoms that tie all these rheumatic diseases together. 

The most common form of arthritis in cats and dogs is Osteoarthritis, also known as Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD). 

What happens to the body?

Arthritis occurs when something goes wrong with the working of the joint. DJD – in short, is where the cartilage in the joint has worn down and loses its elasticity. The more the cartilage wears away, the more ligaments and tendons become stretched and damaged, which results in the inflammation and pain we see in our pets. 

Other forms of arthritis are not as common. These include Rheumatic arthritis:- where the synovial fluid in the joint becomes inflamed, and the body’s immune system attacks it, and Septic arthritis:- where the synovial fluid in the joint becomes infected. 

A combination of factors causes most arthritis, and these can be:

  • Genetic – some animals have predispositions to develop arthritis, and some can get it relatively young.
  • An injury to the joint such as tearing a cruciate ligament - if left, arthritis can develop.
  • Overweight or obese pets put added pressure on the joints.
  • Diet - particular food, such as dry food, can undoubtedly increase the likely hood of inflammation.

What are the signs?

You may start to notice that your dog or cat is 

  • slowing down and becoming less active
  • is slow to get up, especially in the mornings
  • have become lame or are limping
  • may lick the area around the joint
  • cry out when they hurt it.

What can you do to help?

Feeding a natural diet will help keep the body cleansed and reduce inflammation, reducing red muscle meat in the diet, as this can cause inflammation. Use a good quality flax seed added to the food daily, along with apple cider vinegar.

Please keep your pet at a healthy weight; overweight animals suffer more when they have arthritis.

Keep them active and mobile. Regular light exercise is good. Going for a walk each day and swimming is also great low-impact exercise. All these things will help keep the body moving, flexible, and fit. Just remember that it needs low impact to reduce stress and any further damage to the joints.

If you feel your pet is becoming stiff and sore and may have developed arthritis, you may wish to get them diagnosed by your vet.

Remedies in the Tagiwig range by Natural Pet that can help to support your cat or dog that is suffering from arthritis, stiffness, or soreness:

Keep Moving – to assist with muscular and joint soreness, pain, inflammation, and arthritis, our general arthritis remedy.

Flex-eez - to assist when our pet is extra sore. It is for sprains and strains of muscles, ligaments, and tendons

Immune Tonic – to support the immune system

Liver Tonic and Liver Tonic (Hom) – to support and cleanse the liver and the immune system

We also offer a full consultation service, where we can develop a treatment plan individualised for your pet. If this is of interest, please email or phone.

Tags: Dogs  Cats  

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