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Anxiety in Dogs & Cats

Anxiety in Dogs & Cats

Is your fur baby more anxious than usual?

Like humans, dogs and cats can experience stress and anxiety. This can be due to internal or external factors that cause a change in their behaviour, nervous system, or physical condition. While a certain level of anxiety is normal in dogs and cats, excessive levels can lead to psychological and physical problems, such as fear, aggression, skin inflammation, and self-mutilation.

If left untreated, a dog with anxiety can become restless and dangerous. Homoeopathy can offer treatment for emotional issues like stress and anxiety in dogs. If a cat with anxiety is left untreated, their anxiety can worsen over time and cause a variety of behavioural problems, including destructive behaviour, litter box avoidance, aggression, and excessive vocalisation. It can also lead to physical health issues, such as hair loss, weight loss, and gastrointestinal problems.

There are several reasons why your cat or dog suffers from anxiety, including their breed, personality, traumatic events, or physical conditions. It is crucial to identify the triggers and signs of anxiety in cats and dogs to provide them with a healthy and happy life.

Symptoms of dogs with anxiety

The symptoms of anxiety in dogs can vary, but common signs of anxiety in dogs include:

  • Over affection, constantly wanting attention and reassurance
  • Crying, whining, howling, and barking
  • Panting or lip licking
  • Restlessness and pacing
  • Shivering
  • Running away, hiding, or cowering
  • Destroying furniture and digging up the backyard
  • Licking and chewing skin and paws (self-harm)
  • Urinating more frequently
  • Diarrhoea or vomiting
  • Skin irritation – dry, flaky, and inflamed
  • OCD behaviour (obsessive-compulsive disorder)

It is important to note that these symptoms can also indicate other health conditions, so it is important to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical issues before assuming the cause is anxiety.

Symptoms of cats with anxiety

The symptoms of anxiety in cats can vary depending on the individual cat and the underlying cause of their anxiety. However, here are some common signs of anxiety in cats:

  • Excessive vocalisation, such as meowing or yowling
  • Aggression towards people or other animals
  • Hiding or avoiding social interaction
  • Destructive behaviour, such as scratching furniture or chewing on objects
  • Litter box avoidance or urinating outside the litter box
  • Excessive grooming, leading to hair loss or skin irritation
  • Loss of appetite or weight loss
  • Restlessness or hyperactivity
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Pacing or circling

As pet owners, it’s essential to look out for signs of illness in your beloved pet. If you notice any of these symptoms in your cat, book a consultation with us to discuss natural remedies and solutions. 

Homoeopathic Remedies for Anxiety in Dogs & Cats

Treat anxiety, naturally!

Homoeopathy works wonderfully in balancing the mental and emotional state of an animal. There are several excellent remedies, such as Phosphorus, Arsenicum album, Gelsemium, Ignatia, and Aconite, to name a few.

We have some great remedies in our Tagiwig range that can help support your pet when stressed or anxious, and reviews from happy customers who are thrilled their pets are feeling better!

  • Drama Queen – our best remedy for anxiety, stress, and emotional upset
  • Save Me – the famous five flower essences (rescue remedy for pets)
  • Fear Less – when your pet has a fear of thunder, fireworks, and loud noises
  • Missing You – if your pet has grief or depression


As pet parents, you want to get the best advice possible. We also offer consulting services, where we do one-on-one consultations with you and your cat or dog. These take about 40 minutes, and we develop a plan to help your cat or dog anxiety. We can do consultations via phone or zoom, so we can help dogs anywhere in NZ or worldwide.


What causes anxiety in dogs?

There are many potential causes of anxiety in dogs, including changes in routine or environment, separation from their owner, loud noises like thunder or fireworks, illness or pain, and trauma or abuse.

How can I help my anxious dog?

There are several things you can do to help your anxious dogs, such as providing a safe and comfortable space, creating a routine, using positive reinforcement training, plenty of cuddles, and considering medication or natural remedies.

Can my cat have anxiety?

Yes, cats can experience anxiety. Some common causes of your cat’s anxiety include changes in the cat’s environment, loud noises, and separation from its owners. Common cat anxiety symptoms may include hiding, excessive grooming, aggression, decreased appetite, cat separation anxiety, and litter box avoidance. Think you might have a cat with anxiety? Book a consultation with us to learn more about our natural treatments.

How do I know if my cat has anxiety?

Anxiety in cats can manifest in various ways. Some common signs of anxiety in cats include excessive grooming or licking, hiding or avoiding contact, changes in appetite, aggressive behaviour, increased vocalisation, and inappropriate elimination outside the litter box. Other signs of an anxious cat may include destructive behaviour, restlessness, and excessive meowing or crying.

Tags: Dogs  Tagiwig  Anxiety  

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