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Tagiwig Therapies have been of great assistance for my cat,  Misty!!!

Originally Misty was being given Tagiwig products for fleas and also a liver remedy because her skin had flakes that resembled dandruff.

Not long after, I noticed Misty was experiencing very subtle  tremors on the right side of her face and these were starting to very quickly become more obvious.   A healer advised me it was her heart that was causing these symptoms. 

Shortly after that, Misty started dragging both back legs almost like she may have had a stroke.  The vet confirmed the heart diagnosis,  although it wasn't in the most serious category and also diagnosed arthritis in her back Right leg.

The treatment options were monthly injection, or a medicine that could be given as required,  but  I was also informed that the medication could cause renal failure.

Now knowing the diagnosis, and appreciating the Vet's warning, I Immediately ordered more Tagiwig products,  including the  Keep Moving remedy and that was when the Health improvements really began!!!!!!.

Misty was already on a Homeopathic remedy for her heart, and with the arrival of the new Tagiwig remedies the results that followed were nothing short of Amazing!!!!!

In a very short space of time there were no facial 'spasms' and Misty was once again able to jump up onto the bed,  run again and was able to start enjoying life  and her skin was no longer flaking!!!

Misty was a rescue cat and is probably around 13 years old and needless to say we just Love and Appreciate the Natural products that have provided such outstanding benefits -  without  any serious side effects!!!!!!!

Thank You Tagiwig for these excellent healing remedies!!!!!!!



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