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Spring & Joey

Spring & Joey

Joey's mum came to us back in May 09, he was constantly itching and was a very unhappy little dog. He had been on many courses of steroids and while this did help him and calm him down, this never lasted long and his mum was very worried about the side effects on having him on this medication long term. They wanted to find something natural to help him.

The symptoms he was exhibiting were inflammation of his armpits, groin, stomach, feet and chin. Lots of chewing, biting and scratching and he was also getting very down and distressed. All these symptoms are quite common in a contact allergy.

We treated him with Natural Pet's Spring remedy, which is great for complaints from grasses, pollens and wandering jew. We encouraged his mum to get him on to a natural diet and add some omegas into his food.

Within three days of using Spring, his owners had noticed a huge difference, the bright pink inflammation had gone and the scratches were starting to heal.

Joey has the occasional flare up, usually when he comes into contact with wandering jew, but his owners just give him a few days on our Spring remedy and he is back on track again.

Below is the photos of Joey before treatment and 6 days after using the Spring remedy. 

We also have a homeopathic only version of our spring remedy, it is called Spring (Hom).

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