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Fleas in Cats and Dogs

Fleas in Cats and Dogs

Fleas are the bane of pets and their owners' lives. Each year as it warms up, many of us battle with fleas. But, unfortunately, some struggle to get on top of them. Many owners don't want to use toxic chemical-based flea treatments on their pets, and are looking for natural flea treatments for dogs and cats.  

There is no one surefire way to get rid of fleas; it has to be a combined effort. Combatting fleas needs to be looked at as a holistic approach, and the key to getting on top of them is to break the life cycle and treat the environment they live in. Fleas will lay eggs that fall off your pet, turn into larvae, and then hatch before jumping back onto your pet. So just de-fleeing your pet and hoping that will be enough without dealing with the eggs and larvae in the surrounding areas doesn't work. 

Having a happy, healthy pet will also help to keep them flea free, so feeding a good diet, exercise, and good mental health will all contribute.

Below I have compiled some solutions you can use to help combat fleas and get your pet flea free and happy again.

One of the most significant controls you can do to combat fleas or any other common skin deases such as , ear infection, ear mites in dogs and cats... is cleanliness. Keeping your home environment very clean helps to break the life cycle. So washing pet's bedding, sanitising and vacuuming play a considerable part.

  • Wash the pet's bedding regularly. You can add tea tree essential oils to the wash water. Wash and dry on a hot cycle will kill fleas at all life stages. Use hot soapy water and wash once a week in the peak season. Roll bedding up before you carry it to the washing machine. This will stop fleas, eggs and larvae from dropping off.
  • Vacuum your carpets, especially around pets' bedding or where they like to sleep. If you have an infestation, throw away the vacuum bag afterwards so it doesn't create a food-filled warm environment for the fleas to nurture, grow, and escape.
  • Cleaning and mopping floors (all of the above will pick up flea eggs and larvae), also use disinfectant to kill them.
  • Wash your pet in a natural flea-resistant shampoo or soap. One infused with tea tree oil for dogs is great.
  • Natural flea products – in our Tagiwig range, we have Jumpies (Hom) for cat fleas and also dogs fleas. The great thing about our products is you can use the one remedy on both cats and dogs. 
  • Flea combing brings normal secretions from oil glands to the skin and discourages fleas, removing fleas and flea eggs. Have a bowl of hot soapy water on hand to dispose of the fleas quickly. Do daily in an infestation, and reduce to weekly or monthly in the off-peak seasons. 
  • Having short lawns helps the sun to get through and warm the soil to kill larvae. Also, watering areas will help to drown developing fleas.
  • Ants love to eat flea larvae and eggs, so if they are outside, don't discourage them.
  • Sterilise outdoor sleeping areas. If you have a place where you're pet sleeps, say a deck or concrete, you can wash down with hot soapy water, cider vinegar or bleach. 
  • Dry dirt area - wash down or put black plastic over it on a hot sunny day to kill eggs and larvae. Also, sprinkle with agricultural lime (super cheap at local farm stores). It helps to dry out and kill the fleas.
  • Natural Flea Powder – make it yourself. Combine one part of herbs that are natural flea repellents – eucalyptus, rosemary, fennel, yellow dock, wormwood, rue and thyme. Mix, then brush into your pet's fur. Then place them outside, so the fleas jump off out there.
  • Natural Skin tonic can act as a flea repellent – cut one lemon into thin slices, including the rind. Cover with 1 litre of boiling water, leave to soak and cool overnight. Then, use the liquid on your pet as a flea repellent.
  • Adding additional supplements to your pet's diet - brewer's yeast and garlic added to the diet can help to reduce fleas. Use 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons of brewer's yeast, depending on your pet's size and ¼ to 1 clove of garlic daily.
  • Sprinkle Diatomaceous earth in cracks, crevices and areas you can't reach. Once or twice a year, it dries the fleas out, which results in death. (not recommended to use on your pets as the dust is so fine they can breathe it in).

You are trying to break the flea lifecycle by treating your pet and the environment they live in. 

We hope using some or all of the above will help keep your house and pets flea-free.

Natural Pet flea remedy

Jumpies (Hom) is a homeopathic only blend.


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