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Healthy chickens and birds with homeopathy

Healthy chickens and birds with homeopathy

Whether you keep chickens or birds as pets or for their produce, we have given you some natural homeopathic remedies that help keep them in top health and also to deal with any injuries or diseases.  

Homeopathy can be a fantastic addition to your tool kit, and you will find that, over time, homeopathy will help your birds to build up their natural immune system so they will be less at risk of sickness or disease. 

This list is not exhaustive, so feel free to contact us if you have any other health issues, we are able mix something up.  

Homeopathy is so easy to administer. You can put drops into their mouth, food, or water. Our remedies come in 25ml, 50ml, 100ml (glass + dropper), 200ml or 500ml (plastic bottle + cap), so we have a size to suit everyone. To order, you can go to our chicken page, click on the green name below to follow the link or order through our dispensary, where you will find all sizes, remember to put the name of the remedy in the remedy box.  

To download this in pdf form click here

General Remedies 

Bacterial diseases

Echinacea 30c - A good preventative remedy for bacterial diseases, it boosts the immunity


Bumble Blend CH - to help with Bumblefoot, the inflammation, pus formation and healing

Collapsed – cold, wet, unresponsive

Carbo veg 30c - Known as the corpse reviver, a homeopathic remedy for an animal that is cold, blue and nonresponsive to give them a boost.

Coccidiosis blend

A remedy to use as a preventative as well as assist when ill. 

Egg Bound

To assist a chicken that is egg bound

Emotional stress

Ignatia 30c - Emotional trauma and stress, helps to calm the birds down.   Also good for any event that will be traumatic – transportation, handling

Enlarged / Impacted crop

Nux vomica 30c - to assist and give relief

Fowl Pox Blend

A remedy to use as a preventative and assist with the disease.

Healthy Chick

To help increase the health of your birds by assisting them to assimilate the nutrient from their feed better, it also helps with good egg production and weight gain, a general health tonic.


Pyrogenium 30c - Any infections, especially if smelly and stinky.

Infectious Coryza / Roup

A blend to assist with many catarrhal affections incl; stringy and slimy mucus

Marek’s Disease

A blend of remedies to assist with the disease.


To assist the health of your bird while it is moulting.

Multi V & M

A homeopathic blend to help the body absorb the vitamins and minerals present in their food.

Nerve damage

Hypericum 200c - Arnica of the nerves.  Great for nerve damage, pinched nerves, crush injuries and any injury to nerve-rich areas. 


A homeopathic blend for birds that self-mutilate and pluck their own feathers out. 

Red Mites

RM Blend – to help prevent and assist with the treatment of red mite infections.


Baryta carb 30c - For the runts that are not thriving or doing well and not growing, poor development, stunted growth. 

Scaly Leg mites

Scaly Blend CH to help with scaly legs mites in your chicken

Shock, Trauma

Arnica 30c - For any form of shock, bruising, trauma or injuries to the body.

Soft shells

Calc phos 30c - to help with hardening shells and increase the size and weight of eggs.

Sun stroke / Heat stress

Nat mur 30c - To assist with sun stroke and ill effects of too much heat and sun.


TK Blend - A remedy for tick and lice complaints.  Use over tick season.

Weight Gain

Alfalfa 30c - To assist in increasing weight and appetite, an excellent digestive tonic.


Farm WRM - A homeopathic blend of remedies for common worm complaints in farm animals, including chickens

Wounds / Infections

Farm mend - A homeopathic blend for wounds, infections, cuts and general homeopathic first aid.

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