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As a pet owner, you might have heard about anal gland issues and how they can sometimes cause problems for your furry friend. Let's talk about what you need to know to keep your pet's anal glands healthy and comfortable.
Anal glands in dogs and cats can become irritated. If your dog is scooting their bottom along the ground, licking or cleaning down there regularly, it is a sign of irritation. Anal gland problems are primarily seen in dogs, but cats can also be affected. Sometimes you may not see your pet scooting across your carpet on its bottom, but you will certainly smell the fishy pungent odour – that's when our Anal GL remedy can help!
Your dog’s anal glands (or sacs) are two sacs located on either side of the anus, between the internal and external sphincter muscles. They have short ducts that secrete an oily brownish fluid with a powerful odour. The odour is a territorial marker and lubricant secreted each time the animal defecates.
When an animal has healthy anal glands and regular bowel movements, the sacs are emptied regularly and function properly. But if this is not the case, they can become full, and the contents thicken and become harder to pass, which is called impaction. Once the anal glands become impacted, they can become inflamed – leading to anal gland infections.
They may also develop an abscess that can burst through the skin lining, an excruciating problem for your pet. If you notice your dog scoots along the ground, they are doing this because they are itching the irritation. The scooting may help to release some of the fluid to give relief.
Many things can cause blocked anal glands in dogs to become full, impacted, and abscessed:
Your dog or cat may not have all the symptoms below to have a blocked anal gland.
Often dog’s anal gland problems are misdiagnosed as being a worm infestation, which, if you haven't wormed your pets lately, is worth doing; you can use our Wiggles (Hom). It can also be a contact allergy to something like grasses, and you can look at our Spring (Hom) to help with that. But with worms and allergies ruled out, the main reason is usually an anal gland problem.
Knowing the signs and implementing a few things can significantly help your pet with anal gland problems.
If you suspect your pet has anal gland problems, we’ve got natural anal gland supplements and solutions to help your furbaby.
Our Tagiwig range for cats and dogs has our Anal GL remedy, developed to help with irritated, inflamed, and infected anal glands. Many clients find this very helpful in assisting with this problem.
You can also make a calendula herbal poultice to help reduce inflammation.
Calendula Poultice Recipe
If you have any other questions about your pet's anal gland problems, don't hesitate to contact us for a free chat. Or, if you want help with any other health problems for your pets or animals, you can book a consultation.
Symptoms of anal gland problems in dogs may include scooting, excessive licking or biting of the anal area, foul odour, and difficulty defecating.
Treatment for a dog"s anal glands may involve the manual expression of the glands, dietary changes, and the use of supplements or medications. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary.
While not all cases of anal gland problems in dogs can be prevented, maintaining a high-fibre diet and ensuring regular bowel movements can help reduce the risk. Keeping your dog"s anal area clean can also help prevent infection and inflammation of the glands.
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